On the basis of carried out by the Lithuanian state institutions audits, the following certificates and licenses are given out for Company "NAU", Ltd.:
The Environment ministry:
Certificate № 1446 – designing of air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, and performance of special works in buildings and constructions of special purposes.
Certificate № 000033 – allows mounting, commissioning and maintenance of stationary refrigeration, air conditioning equipment and thermal pumps with up to 30 kg fluorinated greenhouse gases.
The State Power Inspection under the Economy Ministry:
Certificate № Т-0469 – operation of thermal installations and turbines.
Certificate № Е-0861 – operation of electric installations.
Health physics centre:
License № 0824 – works with a sourse of oinizing radiation. SOE Ignalina’s NPP:
Certificate № SKUTsert - 1703 - 73 - (4.23) – designing, installation, repair, adjustment and maintenance service of air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems on the Ignalina’s NPP.
Above mentioned documents grant the right for our company to carry out all complex of works of designing, installation, start-up and adjustment of air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems; as well as installation, start-up and adjustment of an electric equipment up to 1000 V, including electric networks of power and automatic control of climate technology systems in inhabited, uninhabited, industrial, manufacturing, warehouse buildings and constructions, and on objects of special purpose. « Back |